Name/Nombre: Sonrix
Fecha de ingreso/ Date of admission: 28-10-2020
Fecha de esterilización/ Sterilization date: 22-10-2020
Descripción / Description: Perrito de talla mediana color negro con cafe, de pelo corto. /
Medium-sized black and brown dog, with short hair.
Peso/Weight: 11Kg
Genero/Gender: Macho/Male
DOB: 04-2020
Historia / Story : Ingreso para ser esterilizada junto a su hermana, se le comento a la responsable que ambos se encontraban infestados de garrapatas y pulgas. La responsable comento que no contaba con los recursos para hacerse cargo de los tratamientos, por lo que decidió deslindarlos. Por tener buen comportamiento y ser animales vulnerables se tomo la decisión de ingresarlos./He come here to be sterilized with his sister, the person in charge was told that both were infested with ticks and fleas. The person in charge commented that she did not have the resources to take charge of the treatments, so she decided to define them. Due to their good behavior and being vulnerable animals, the decision was made to enter them.
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